Health & Safety Consultants

Lincolnshire East Yorkshire North Norfolk, UK& other areas by arrangement.

Health & Safety Consultants

Some of the services we provide:

Health & Safety Inspections

A general H&S site inspection.

DSE Assessments

DSE Assessments

Return to Office

Return to Office consultations


COVID-Secure Guidance

Guidance on COVID

Home Working

Home working consultation

Risk Assessment Guidance

Risk Assessments

http://thenounproject.comThe Noun ProjectIcon TemplateRemindersStrokesTry to keep strokes at 4pxMinimum stroke weight is 2pxFor thicker strokes use even numbers: 6px, 8px etc.Remember to expand strokes before saving as an SVG SizeCannot be wider or taller than 100px (artboard size)Scale your icon to fill as much of the artboard as possibleUngroupIf your design has more than one shape, make sure to ungroupSave asSave as .SVG and make sure “Use Artboards” is checked100px.SVG

Competent Person Service*

Competent Person
*Conditions Apply

RIDDOR Assistance


Health & Safety Training

Are you up to date with your legal health and safety requirements?

Fire Safety

http://thenounproject.comThe Noun ProjectIcon TemplateRemindersStrokesTry to keep strokes at 4pxMinimum stroke weight is 2pxFor thicker strokes use even numbers: 6px, 8px etc.Remember to expand strokes before saving as an SVG SizeCannot be wider or taller than 100px (artboard size)Scale your icon to fill as much of the artboard as possibleUngroupIf your design has more than one shape, make sure to ungroupSave asSave as .SVG and make sure “Use Artboards” is checked100px.SVG

Risk Assessments

Water Safety

Manual Handling

Electrical Safety

Lone & Remote Workers