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Health & Safety Consultants

The Essential Health and Safety Considerations for New Businesses

The Essential Health and Safety Considerations for New Businesses

Starting a new business is an exciting endeavour, but it comes with a range of responsibilities, including ensuring the health and safety of your employees and customers. It’s not only a legal requirement but also essential for the wellbeing of your employees and the success of your business.

As a health and safety consultancy, we understand the importance of creating a safe working environment. In this blog post, we will outline our top 10 key areas that new businesses need to cover when considering health and safety.

  1. Risk Assessments
    Performing a thorough risk assessment is the foundation to any effective health and safety strategy. From the outset you should be looking to identify potential hazards in your workplace, evaluate the risks associated with them, and implement appropriate control measures to mitigate those risks. This is an ongoing process with regular reviews and updates made to the risk assessments as your business evolves. 
  2. Compliance and Regulatory Standards
    New businesses should familiarise themselves with the health and safety regulations specific to their industry and location. A health and safety consultancy like us can provide expert guidance on compliance ensuring that your business operates within the legal framework.
  3. Health and Safety Policies
    Developing comprehensive health and safety policies that clearly outline your commitment to maintaining a safe working environment. The policies should cover areas such as accident reporting, emergency procedures, first aid provisions, and employee responsibilities. It is important to ensure that all employees are aware of these policies and to provide training if necessary.
  4. Training and Education
    As a new business you should consider investing in training programs to equip your employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to work safely. This includes general health and safety awareness training, specific training for more hazardous tasks, and regular refresher courses. Its good practice to encourage a culture of safety by promoting open communication and providing resources for ongoing education. Health and safety consultants can assist with training and advise on the training requirements.
  5. Safety Equipment and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    Identify the safety equipment and PPE required for your business operations. This may include items such as fire extinguishers, safety signage, protective clothing, and respiratory protection. Once it’s been identified and put in place they need to be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure effectiveness. Those using them need to have clear instruction on proper usage too.
  6. Fire Safety
    Fire safety measures need to be implemented, including fire detection systems, fire extinguishers, emergency exit routes and evacuation plans. Conduct regular fire drills to familiarise employees with the evacuation procedures and ensure that the fire exits are unobstructed at all times. Consideration should be given to appointing fire wardens and how the systems or equipment that has been put in place will be inspected and maintained. Its good practice to have a competent person carry out a fire risk assessment too.
  7. Emergency Response Plans
    Accidents and emergencies can happen at any time. Having a well-defined emergency response plan in place is essential. This plan should include evacuation procedures, first-aid protocols, and communications strategies. Regular drills and simulations can help ensure everyone knows what to do should an emergency occur.
  8. Workplace Ergonomics
    Promote good ergonomic practices to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and improve overall wellbeing e.g., Introduce Display Screen Equipment Checks. Make sure workstations are properly set up, provide adjustable furniture and equipment, and encourage regular breaks and stretching exercises.
  9. Regular Inspections and Audits
    Schedule regular inspections and audits to identify potential health and safety issues. This can include checking for hazards, reviewing compliance with regulations, and assessing the effectiveness of control measures. Any identified issues should be dealt with promptly and remember to keep detailed records of the inspections and corrective actions taken. As a health and safety consultancy we can assist with all elements of this.
  10. Continuous Improvement
    The world of health and safety is constantly evolving. It is important for businesses to stay up to date with the latest regulations, technologies, and best practices. Our health and safety consultancy can help you adapt to changes and continuously improve your safety measures. 

Here at ST Safety Services, we are here for all your health and safety requirements, and we know first hand how to support new businesses whatever the size. Prioritising health and safety is not only a legal obligation but also a moral one. By partnering with ST Safety Service, new businesses can establish a solid foundation for a safe and productive work environment.