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Health & Safety Consultants

Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls: Practical Steps for Workplace Safety

Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls: Practical Steps for Workplace Safety

Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls: Practical Steps for Workplace Safety

As a health and safety consultancy, we have seen firsthand the significant impact that slips, trips, and falls can have on both employees and businesses. These incidents are among the most common workplace accidents and can lead to serious injuries, lost productivity, and substantial financial costs. However, with proactive measures and a commitment to safety, many of these accidents can be prevented. Here, we will share practical steps that can help create a safer workplace environment.

Understanding the Risks

Slips, trips, and falls can occur in any workplace, from busy construction sites to quiet office spaces. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reports that these incidents are a leading cause of workplace injuries in the UK, often resulting from factors such as wet floors, uneven surfaces, and obstructed walkways. Understanding the common causes is the first step in mitigating these risks.

Conducting Risk Assessments

A thorough risk assessment is essential. This process can involve the following and are conducted by a competent person:

  • Identifying Hazards: A walk through the workplace to identify potential slip, trip, and fall hazards. Paying particular attention to areas with high foot traffic, varying floor levels, and environmental conditions that could contribute to hazards.
  • Evaluating Risks: Assessing the likelihood and potential severity of accidents occurring due to these hazards.
  • Implementing Controls: Determining appropriate control measures to mitigate the identified risks.
  • Reviewing and Updating: Regularly reviewing and updating the risk assessment to ensure ongoing effectiveness.

If you are unsure where to start, we can support you with conducting risk assessments. Contact Us to find out more.

In the next sections we share some practical steps to prevent slips, trips and falls.

Practical Steps to Prevent Slips

Housekeeping: Maintain a clean and orderly workplace. Promptly clean up spills and remove debris from floors.

Appropriate Flooring: Install slip-resistant flooring in areas prone to wet conditions, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Signage: Use warning signs to alert employees and visitors of wet floors and other potential hazards.

Mats and Rugs: Place mats at entrances to capture water and dirt from shoes, reducing the risk of slipping. Ensure mats and rugs are flush with the floor and the edges do not curl up, securing if necessary.

Practical Steps to Prevent Trips

Clear Walkways: Ensure walkways are free of clutter, cords, and other obstacles.

Proper Lighting: Install adequate lighting in all areas, especially in corridors, staircases, and outside walkways.

Repair Damages: Promptly repair uneven surfaces, loose floor tiles, and damaged carpets.

Storage Solutions: Provide sufficient storage to prevent materials from being left in walkways.

Practical Steps to Prevent Falls

Handrails and Guardrails: Install handrails on all staircases and guardrails on elevated platforms.

Safe Use of Ladders: Train employees on the correct use of ladders and step stools. Ensure ladders are in good condition and suitable for the task.

Fall Protection Equipment: Provide fall protection equipment, such as harnesses, for employees working at height.

Training and Awareness: Conduct regular training sessions to keep employees aware of fall hazards and safe practices. We offer e-learning courses on topics such as Slips, Trips and Falls. 

Our Slips, Trips and Falls Course introduces the statistics relating to slips, trips and falls and dispel some of the myths surrounding them. It also touches on the law as it relates to slips, trips and falls. It contains real examples of where things have gone wrong and more practical steps that could be taken to prevent these incidents. The course also covers some of the straightforward changes that can be made in most businesses to significantly reduce the risk of a slip, trip or fall incident occurring. To view our courses Click Here.

Encouraging a Safety Culture

Promoting a culture of safety within the workplace is crucial. Encourage employees to take an active role in identifying and reporting hazards. Implement a system for reporting near misses and incidents and use this information to improve safety measures. Regularly communicate the importance of safety and provide ongoing training and resources.

Legal Compliance

Ensure that all safety measures comply with UK regulations, such as the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Regularly consult the HSE guidelines and stay updated with any changes in legislation. 


Preventing slips, trips, and falls requires a proactive approach and a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment. By conducting thorough risk assessments, implementing practical preventive measures, and encouraging a culture of safety, businesses can significantly reduce the risk of these common workplace accidents. ST Safety Services are dedicated to helping organisations achieve this goal and ensure the well-being of their employees.

Creating a safer workplace not only protects employees but also enhances productivity and morale, leading to a more successful and sustainable business. Let’s work together to make slips, trips, and falls a thing of the past.